5 Life Lessons from the Garden

When I started killing flowers and having flowers kill themselves in my backyard I never for one moment thought that I’d learn so much about myself during the process and actually fall in love with gardening.

Over the years I have learned so much, apart from now having something in common with my mom, these are my top five life lessons from the garden:  

Visions, no matter how crazy, can become a reality
I wanted lots of butterflies and pretty flowers. I wanted fruit trees and a potting bench with outdoor seating and a hammock for relaxing. Heck, I want a reading nook too! As the years progressed, I was able to check things I thought were impossible in my tiny yard off the list and it makes me feel accomplished because it’s my vision that’s becoming a reality.

I am more than enough
Through killing countless seedlings and plants, which is part of being a Rogue Gardener, I have learned I have the skill and the patience to make great things happen, after all, the best reward is home-grown. My garden doesn’t care who I am, what I wear or what I did last weekend. When I am pruning, weeding and mulching, I am exactly what the garden needs and I am good enough to get things done!

My life, like my garden, needs TLC
Just like a garden, I need to consciously and consistently take care of myself. I need to get rid of the weeds or the useless things that take up my time and energy, prune all the unhealthy relationships and habits and drink more water regularly if I want to look good and be productive. Some weight training may be in order because those bags of dirt are heavy af and the struggle is too real at times.

Creativity is within me
I can barely draw a stick man to save my life but when it comes to gardening I can paint and come up with some amazing plans for making my garden beautiful.

Gardening makes life simpler
Gardening helps me to clear my mind, relax and prioritize my life. It might seem like a tall order for digging in the dirt but if you read my blog on Mindfulness Grows In the Garden you know how just being mindful can put everything into perspective. In this busy world, it’s great to know that it’s possible!

What has being a Rogue Gardener taught you? Share your lessons in the comment section below!


  1. i can totally relate to life lesson 4 we are all creative in some way or another, def gardening great way to keep doing what you love!


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