Top 5 Reasons To Get in on the Gardening Action


“You’re in the bush again?” I complained to my mother as I watched her labor in the yard sweating and digging in the dirt. When I was little I viewed plants as an inconvenience, another thing you would have to remember to keep alive. Well into my teenage years I felt this way and struggled to comprehend what was so great about gardening.

That was until one day I stared into my blank backyard from my kitchen window and it dawned on me that it was a canvas for a gorgeous and peaceful retreat. Although at the time I knew nothing about gardening, I excitedly purchased and planted one sunflower and every time I washed the dishes over the five days that flower survived, I smiled.

That was the beginning, during the next four years while I would be the cause of the demise of numerous flowers, I would discover the best 5 reasons why everyone should get down and dirty.

#1: It’s peaceful AF!
Yes, gardening provides a peaceful retreat away from life’s hectic demands.  One minute it’s just you and nature and then BAM, suddenly along the way gardening allows you to become more mindful, relaxed and develop a heightened sense of appreciation and connection with nature.

#2: It’s Rewarding
Nothing beats seeing your creativity and hard work pay off, especially when it’s edible! The literal fruits of your labor taste so much better when you’ve invested time and energy into growing your own. From pimentos, ochres, and tomatoes the sense of accomplishment is incomparable.

#3: It’s great for your Body & Mind
Numerous benefits await you in the dirt from growing your own food such as getting in some exercise, fresh air, and sunshine, saving money and eating fresh, organic, home-grown and healthy food. Gardening also teaches valuable lessons like mindfulness, patience, hard work, and determination which can be applied to other areas of your life where those traits are lacking. 

#4: Helps to Grow Relationships 
Not only can your garden grow food and flowers but it can foster relationships among friends, family, children and even your significant other. Gardening provides you with an activity that can improve teamwork and communication. So get started on a gardening project with that special someone. My mom and I have a closer relationship now that I garden too. We exchange plants, share stories about their development and go shopping for gardening supplies together. I never saw that coming!

#5: Continuous Learning
Gardening has taught me so much about myself and nature over the years. For instance, I know now that locus are only cute when small and scary AF when they are adults, toads have excellent hiding skills and I may most likely die of a heart attack if another snake catches me off guard.

More importantly, it has also allowed me to develop a deeper appreciation for the men and women in the agricultural sector who feed our nation.

So ditch the idea that gardening is only for farmers or old people and keep posted for more information on how you can start your very own garden anywhere!


  1. Excellent points! In my little over a year of gardening I've really come to appreciate and love this hobby in ways you so happily describe :) it really is awesome. Nice post

  2. Hi there! I really enjoyed your post,however, I live in an apartment and space is limited. What suggestions (please write a post) do you have?

    1. Hi Linglou, we will be sure to share our gardening idea for apartment gardeners in an upcoming blog post!

  3. these blogs are really interesting esp the part about reaping the fruits of your labor aka free food... forget about the snakes what about those scary garden spiders?

  4. Thanks for your feedback Suelin. You're worried about the spiders huh? Don't worry, nothing a little spray or shoe can't handle! You will be fine!


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